De helende kracht van emoties

Emotion Focused Skills Training for Parents

Learn to do a 2-day parent workshop in EFST. The method helps parents support their children’s recovery from general mental health issues.

The training of EFST clinicians is practically oriented and experience-based, which means that participants learn specific skills in how to supervise parents and do parent workshops.
After this training you are educated to get parents in a two days training the tools they need to help their children in their recovery.

EFST is recognized by the International Society of Emotion Focused Therapy (isEFT).


You learn to do a 2-day parent workshop in EFST and learn how to do EFST parent supervision with one or both parents in the room.

The first two days of this 4-day training is conducted as a standard parenting workshop, where we encourage participants to work on their relationship with their own children. You don’t have to be a parent to attend this training. If you don't have children, you work with other important close relationships, such as a partner, sibling, close friend or colleague. The first part of the training is conducted as a standard parenting course, for the participants to gain experience of what it is like to work with their own close relationships, as we require of parents when we as therapist and clinicians do workshops and supervise in this method. In the first two days the participants learn about competitive motivation and feeling traps, what emotions are and how they work, as well as the three skills: validation, boundaries and apology.

On the last two days of the training participants learn technique called chair-work. In this intervention the parent has a conversation with their imaginary child in an empty chair or a part of themselves. This fuels the emotion, rises the level of experience and gives words and meaning to difficult feelings in challenging situations. We five different chair works. Three where the parent practices different skills: validation, boundaries and apology. Two different self-self-processes: Feeling traps in parents and in the clinicians.

Participants practice being both the caregiver and the supervisor in order to learn how to work with emotions in families, and to learn the chair work interventions. The participants also work with their own therapist material. I’s painful to go into our own difficult emotions, especially about our parenting and our children. We feel guilt, we’re worried sick, or we just don’t know what to do – sometimes. All the same and actually because of it, this is essential in learning EFST. We can’t practice working with emotions without emotions present in the room. The exercises are the uniqueness of EFST education. And the good thing is, if you have children og loved ones who struggle with mental health issues or is going through a difficult time – taking this training will have a fair chance of helping them and helping you. The research on EFST suggest not only do children s symptoms of mental health difficulties reduce - it also happens in the parent! The trainer will facilitate an empathetic and caring group environment.


Voor wie is deze training?

The training is for therapists and parent supervisors - anyone who supervises parents or treat mental health difficulties in children, adolescents or adults.

The method was originally developed from work with eating disorders in any age group, and has developed in to a method for helping parents support their children’s recovery from general mental health issues.



Accreditatie is aangevraagd:

  • Federatie van Gezondheidszorgpsychologen en Psychotherapeuten (FGzPt) 
  • Het Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen (NIP) 
  • Het Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen (NIP) Kinder- en Jeugdpsycholoog (K&J)
  • Nederlandse Vereniging van Pedagogen en onderwijskundigen (NVO) Orthopedagoog-Generalist (OG)
  • De Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychotherapie (NVP) 
  • De Vereniging voor Persoonsgerichte Experiëntiële Psychotherapie (VPEP) 
  • Nederlandse Vereniging voor Relatie- en Gezinstherapie (NVRG)

Op verzoek wordt aangevraagd:

  • De landelijke Vereniging van Psychiaters (NVvP)


Deze Masterclass wordt door de VPeP erkend als specialisatiecursus in de opleiding tot persoonsgericht experiëntieel psychotherapeut. Zie overzicht VPeP.



Anne Hilde Vassbø Hagen is a psychologist, author, mother of three, and filmmaker who produced the popular educational film series Alfred & Shadow. She is head of the Institute of Psychological Counseling, Inc., in Norway, and the director of The Norwegian Institute of Emotion-Focused Therapy. She has written several books in Norwegian about emotions. She is co-author of the book, Emotion-Focused Skills Training for Parents: A Guide for Clinicians and Angry kids, Angry Parents – Understanding and Working with Anger in Your Family. She is an experienced trainer, speaker, and therapist in emotion focused therapy and emotion focused skills training for parents and is also trained in emotion focused couple’s therapy. She’s funny, warm and knows the model to the tip of her fingers. She will take good care of you  – and she’s awesome at making sure you get enough brakes through the day.


Wat kun je na deze training?

You can give a two days workshop for parents to get the tools they need to help their children in their recovery.

This training for parents gives a complete overview of the theory, practice, and research of an emotion-centered, humanistic approach to supporting the parents of individuals who struggle with any mental health challenge. Emotion Focused Skills Training for Parents (EFST) conveys an unyielding belief in parents’ motivation and ability to heal the parent-child relationship and help their child (young, adolescent, or adult child) through their struggles. Drawing on the most current understanding of emotions and human development, the model clearly outlines a central role for parents in treating and preventing mental health difficulties in their families. It is a cost-efficient approach with up to 40 parents in one workshop and it's also evidence based.


Aanbevolen literatuur

You may read the EFST textbook before starting the course. It’s written by Joanne Dolhanty, Anne Hilde Vassbø Hagen, Bente Austbø, Vanja Hjelmseth. You can buy it here:



Datum: 23 - 26 september 2024 
Tijden: 09h30 - 16h30
Prijs: € 1.495 (inclusief biologische lunch, koffie/thee). 
VPeP-leden krijgen 10% korting, zie
Locatie: Kloosterhotel Zin, Vught (



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